Monday, April 12, 2010

Pencil and Drawing Pad Holder

Thought I would finally share these with y'all.

I made these for Christmas this past year for my my 3 older girls.  True to form, they were made the day of present opening.  My main purpose was to give them something quiet to do for church time and not have writing utensils spread along the pew or floor.  So far, it has worked really well.

The tutorial is here at Skip to My Lou.  SUPER easy!  (Lots of cool ideas and projects galore can be found on this site!)

To embellish these already cute gifts, I decided to add a bit of ribbon.  I used it around the outside and a couple of places on the inside.  Plan ahead when making any changes so no seems have to be torn out along the way.

My oldest is a lefty.  I thought it might be nice to switch the inside up to avoid her getting poked in the arm while trying to draw.  Seems to work.  (see the ribbon on the inside?)

I have a couple of other ideas to make these work a little better for us (and possibly others).  Still hashing that out, but I will definitely share when I can.  Need to do it soon so Christmas production can start. ;)


  1. very cute idea. we have something like that for E. Paid waaay too much for it, and realized that I should have just made one. Posting a hair bow holder tomorrow. Gave it as a bday gift and the mom loved it. Glad lil bit is sleeping so good!u

  2. those look so great, Jessica. I'm loving mine for the girls too. they've gotten so much use out of them. a non-crinkly place to stow pencils is GOLD. it is a great gift idea!

  3. This is a great gift idea. My 12 year old would love it.


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