Monday, September 19, 2011

New Wall Calendars

I seem to be on a never ending (trial and error) mission to get organized.  Not too long ago I made a little message board to put next to my wall calendar.

It worked, somewhat, but it really just look horribly cluttered on my wall once it was filled up.   Plus, I need to have two months up so I can see easily what is going on in our lives: everyday, school and work trips.
Did I make something?  NO!  I sold out and headed to the local Wal-mart for these dry erase boards!  (Something similar to this.)  My craftiness only goes so far, people!
Click on picture to view larger.  Sorry for the glare!
I also had to figure out a way to rotate the boards.  I didn't want to constantly be rewriting on two boards each month.  Grabbing some Command Picture Hangers as an impulse purchase, I figured it was worth a try.  They work brilliantly! Now, I only have to erase one board a month and can still have them in right to left order (for my poor little anal-retentive mind).  I do need to grab some different colored markers so I can have everything color coded.  I am DETERMINED that I will not forget about pajama day at school this year!


  1. Oh, my goodness. My never ending quest to be more organized, prepared, and not to forget stuff. this is a great idea.

  2. I am impress this post. I saw calender images. That's simple creation but look very well.

    Custom Wall Calendars


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